“I’ve used scent before, but never gotten the response like with Hot Trails.”


Just want you to know that I just put in another order and to tell you how pleased I am with your product. I have taken a buck and a doe while using your hot trails candles.

The buck came in like a dog on a leash! It was neat to see. I’ve used scent before, but never gotten the response like with Hot Trails. The buck was average for this area, but the season is not over. Maybe I’ll have a nice animal to send pictures.

Again, thanks for your product. I’m looking forward to trying the curiosity candle next! I have tags for 5 more bucks here in RI – the rut is still on, so I still have time to harvest another one or two!

Have a great day and hope you get to go out and do a little hunting of your own!

Matt Smith – Wakefield, RI